Viele Herausforderungen der heutigen Zeit lassen sich nicht alleine bewältigen. Daher bin ich dankbar, dass ich auf ein wunderbares Netzwerk zählen kann. Zusammen mit den verschiedenen Menschen und Projekten gelingt es mir, auch grössere Projekte und Anliegen anzupacken. Oder vielleicht kann ich auch jemanden empfehlen, wenn es in einem spezifischen Projekt eine Super-Power braucht, die ich nicht habe? So oder so, let‘s talk!

Many challenges of our time cannot be addressed alone. That’s why I’m thankful to count on the support of a wonderful network. Together with the different people and projects represented below it also becomes possible to tackle larger projects or goals. Or maybe I’m able recommend you to somebody who has a specific super-power that I don’t have? Either way, let’s talk!

Nicoletta Lumaldo

Nico is a whirlwind. Also a friend from euforia times she has always impressed me by saying things like "I love admin stuff" or "evaluations are my passion". This attitude asserted to me that all sorts of people indeed exist. Anyway, Nico will help you learn more about your projects impact as an evaluation-expert, move forward as a project manager and be creative as a workshop-facilitator.

evaluations, facilitation, analyst, project-and communitymanagement
EN - FR - ES - DE

euforia, collaborative impact, radical collaboration.

Seinheit - The Power of Being

Three powerful ladies that will help you access your teams or organisation “power of being”. Ruth, Sidsel and Natalia met during their Kaospilot education and have therefore plenty of experience in both working closely together and doing powerful, creative work. Their shared foundation builds on Systems thinking, council guide training, bodywork, Process Oriented psychology and Bohmian Dialogue.

process consulting, coaching and trainings
DE - EN - DK - PL - The Power of Intense Fragility

Ich habe Franziska, Anja und Steffi während meiner Zeit im Teamlab bei der Swisscom kennengelernt und sie sind für mich eine große Inspirationsquelle - auch in meiner persönlichen Entwicklung. Ihr wunderschöner Raum und Firma (nur 5 Minuten vom Bahnhof Bern) sind wahrscheinlich das Beste, was Sie in der Organisationsentwicklung bekommen können. Insbesondere, wenn Sie sich authentisch mit den Entwicklungen unserer Zeit auseinandersetzen möchten: Den Trends hin zu einem dynamischen, kollegial geführten, selbst-organisierten, kreativen und kohärenten Arbeitsumfeld. Diese Transformationen implizieren nicht nur äußere Veränderungen. Wenn Sie diese neuen Muster der Zusammenarbeit als ein sowohl inneres als auch äusseres Phänomen trainieren, entwickeln oder damit experimentieren möchten, sind sie bei Punktnull ganz richtig :)


euforia - from inspiration to impact

This is where “the shit hit the fan”. This is where I encountered something called “facilitation” and “changemaking”. From the moment I set foot in a 3.5 day workshop called imp!act Zürich in 2013 I knew that I was at the right place. It’s where a big part of who I am today started - greatly thanks to the many lovely people I met and that I am now able to call friends. euforia is an organisation who has dared to be different and do things differently. It has impacted the life of many thousand people (mostly young people 18-30) all over the world. in 2019 euforia underwent a “reinventing euforia” process and is now re-emerging as a network of engaged people leading purpose-driven projects, offering consultancy services in self-management/organisation, facilitation and much more.

Sketchy Solutions - don’t worry, be sketchy!

Filippo Buzzini is unfortunately Ambri-Piotta fan. But our shared love for beers bridged this unresolvable divide (I’m EVZ fan..). Despite that, I have by now become a fan of Filippo Buzzini himself! I think he really found his passion in visual communication and I am just amazed at the work he has done so far and his personal development in it. I also got the chance to collaborating several times with him and his visualizations have always added great value to the client!

Visual Communication & Graphic Recording
DE - FR - EN - IT

Daniel Sigrist

is a very special man. When playing tennis he looks very much like Andy Murray. I guess that’s a compliment. He’s a special man because he’s a special person to me. I met Daniel during my time at Swisscom and I was always impressed by his capacity to balance with such integrity a beautiful ethics and view of the world and an intense emotional awareness with an (often, not always) excellent humour and an eye for the practical & result-oriented.

coaching, organisational development, facilitation
DE - FR - EN

Chantal Calame

Manchmal kommt es mir so vor, als ob Chantals Gehirnmorphologie sich regelrecht an die Erfordernisse eines Projekts, der Menschen darin und dem weiteren Umfeld davon anpasst. Denn die Effektivität, Rationalität, systemische und strategische Intelligenz mit der sie ihre Ziele erreicht ist beeindruckend. Chantal ist Expertin in regenerativer Ökonomie, Kreislaufwirtschaft, Sozialer Innovation und in der strategischen Umsetzung von Projekten mit mehreren Stakeholdern.

Regenerative Ökonomie, Soziale Innovation, Kreislaufwirtschaft, Facilitation
DE - FR - EN - ES - CZE - PR

b-lab switzerland, company factory, euforia

Katharina Serafimova
Es gibt keine Gespräche mit Katharina, welche nicht tiefe Eindrücke in mir hinterlassen. Ihre Arbeit in Regionen wie Mertola (Portugal) oder in Projekten wie den Foodnetworks oder dem Regenerate Forum berührt mich sehr. Diese Projekte sind Zeuge ihrer Fähigkeit, an der Intersektion von Gemeinschaft, Geld, sozialer Innovation, Regeneration von Ökosystemen und Wandel allgemein Menschen zu verbinden.

Facilitation, Regeneration von Ökosystemen, systemischer Wandel, Geld neu leben
DE - EN - PR

regenerateforum, foodnetworks

Theo, or better: Mr. Théodore Fischer

is a good friend, a pirate on skis, and first and foremost a radical at heart: He does what he does with his full involvement. He follows his intuition of what is right and reflects deeply how he wants to live his life in coherence with what he beliefs in. All of these qualities, flavored with his unique style and humor, make him an excellent facilitator, creative collaborator and knowledgeable changemaker. Especially if you're interested in working at the intersection of business, team-work and sustainability, Mr. Théodore is "your man!" (btw, his combox will reply to you with "my man" when he doesn't pick up - don't be fooled!)

Trainer, Facilitator and Social Innovator
FR - DE - EN - more who, less what

A project by friends that is about inviting more of ‘who’ into our relationships. Have you ever tried to not ask any question related to what you do? It’s actually pretty hard. The whocards are a playful way to get to know each other in a more personal way. It’s a beautiful little project that quickly can add value to your relationships of any kind :)