Radical Collaboration Zürich (deutsch)
to Jan 29

Radical Collaboration Zürich (deutsch)

  • Radical Collaboration Zürich (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

“It is not the absence of defensiveness that characterizes learning teams but the way defensiveness is faced” ― Peter M. Senge

Most need no reminder of the importance of collaboration. Sometimes, when it flows, collaboration seems so easy. But what to do in all the other moments? When it doesn't flow?

Radical Collaboration is a training focused on 5 learnable skills (4 of which are internal, like "collaborative intention") that help you create a collaborative environment within yourself first and with others as a result. Don't hesitate to share it forward :) Thank you!

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Radical Collaboration Genève (française)
to Dec 5

Radical Collaboration Genève (française)

“It is not the absence of defensiveness that characterizes learning teams but the way defensiveness is faced” ― Peter M. Senge

Most need no reminder of the importance of collaboration. Sometimes, when it flows, collaboration seems so easy. But what to do in all the other moments? When it doesn't flow?

Radical Collaboration is a training focused on 5 learnable skills (4 of which are internal, like "collaborative intention") that help you create a collaborative environment within yourself first and with others as a result. For those who've already experienced it - please don't hesitate to share it forward :) Thank you!

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Introducing the no-purpose purpose or the purpose of having no purpose
6:00 PM18:00

Introducing the no-purpose purpose or the purpose of having no purpose

Introducing the no-purpose purpose or the purpose of having no purpose

This one already is messing up our minds. We’re lost. We don’t know what to do. All of the sudden everything has a purpose. And we’re sitting there wondering what the hell we should do with our time, our lives… What if this is not it? What if the real purpose is to have no purpose? try! try to have no purpose! it’s nuts. let’s skip this.

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Radical Collaboration Bern (english)
to Nov 15

Radical Collaboration Bern (english)

  • Radical Collaboration Bern (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

“It is not the absence of defensiveness that characterizes learning teams but the way defensiveness is faced” ― Peter M. Senge

Most need no reminder of the importance of collaboration. Sometimes, when it flows, collaboration seems so easy. But what to do in all the other moments? When it doesn't flow?

Radical Collaboration is a training focused on 5 learnable skills (4 of which are internal, like "collaborative intention") that help you create a collaborative environment within yourself first and with others as a result. For those who've already experienced it - please don't hesitate to share it forward :) Thank you!

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Dialogabend und Filmvorschau "Der Konzern Report"
6:00 PM18:00

Dialogabend und Filmvorschau "Der Konzern Report"

Wir (unsere WG) organisieren am Donnerstag, 22.10.2020 eine Filmvorschau vom Film “Der Konzern-Report”. Es handelt sich um eine eigens für die Konzernverantwortungsinitiative produzierten Film. Anschliessend wird es eine moderierte Dialogveranstaltung zwischen allen Teilnehmer*Innen geben. Alle Stimmen sind willkommen - vorausgesetzt die Ohren zum zuhören kommen ebenso mit :)

Mehr zu Dialog: https://www.allesistdialog.com/

Trailer zum Film: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=70C1wJwphmo

Der Film lässt Menschen auf zwei Kontinenten zu Wort kommen, die durch Konzerne mit Sitz in der Schweiz geschädigt werden. Dick Marty und weitere Stimmen aus dem In- und Ausland erklären, warum sie klare Regeln verlangen, damit Konzerne wie Glencore für Verfehlungen geradestehen müssen.

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